Written by Collin R.
Ensuring Proposition 1A passes is a critical step forward for the socialist movement in Seattle and the United States.
Category Actions / Editorial / Endorsements / Housing / Local Politics / Politics, Commentary | |
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Written by Collin R.
Ensuring Proposition 1A passes is a critical step forward for the socialist movement in Seattle and the United States.
Seattle DSA Housing Justice Working Group statement written by Tom Barnard
On September 19th, the Seattle City Council finally unveiled its alternative to I-137 after refusing to act earlier to put it on the November ballot.
Let’s Build a Publicly Owned Alternative: Support I-137 Building publicly owned, democratically controlled high quality and green housing is the way out of the crisis of affordability and homelessness, for … Read more
This piece is intended as the formal motivation for the resolution: Endorse House Our Neighbors Initiative to Fund Social Housing (I-137)