What We Do
Imagine a democratically controlled economy that maximizes human wellbeing, equity, and justice while respecting ecological boundaries. In such an ecosocialist economy clean air, clean water, healthy food, education, housing, and healthcare would be human rights not privileges. Energy systems, public utilities, and broadband would be run by the public for the public.
Humanity, now more than ever, needs a sustainable economy to facilitate a just transition to renewable energy. Join us, if you believe that we need public policies that center working people, and work with us on campaigns that enable transformative changes down the road.
Upcoming Actions
Other Ways to Connect
We sponsor a lively reading group in the north end of Seattle but are otherwise not meeting regularly at this time.
Questions? Send us an email: [email protected]
If you’re a Seattle DSA member, you can find us on Slack in the #ecosocialism_and_gnd_working_group channel.
Not on Slack? Use the “Join our Slack” button to submit a request to join.