What We Do
The mission of the Housing Justice Working Group is to create, through long-term programming and short term action, a Seattle politic without sweeps, evictions, and housing scarcity.
We aim to build renter power through organizing and encourage housing policy that, above all, guarantees housing as a human right.
Some of our current and previous campaigns revolve around social housing policy, mutual aid programs (home of the People’s Breakfast), and support for regional tenant organizing campaigns.
Register for our next meeting on the Seattle DSA Events Calendar at seattledsa.org/events under the Housing category. You can also connect on Slack on the #housing_justice_working_group channel.
Other Ways to Connect
Register for our next meeting on the Seattle DSA Events Calendar at seattledsa.org/events under the Housing category. You can also connect on Slack on the #housing_justice_working_group channel.