Ecosocialists recognize that environmental degradation and social injustice stem from the relentless pursuit of profit and the exploitation of labor and the natural world. Instead, we envision a world in which basic human needs are guaranteed, our energy system is made public and decarbonized by 2030, and our communities are empowered to repair social and environmental injustices. This world is possible – Indigenous people have lived sustainably on this land for thousands of years, but it will take a mass movement to build it.
A Socialist Movement built on Sustainable Principles
At Seattle DSA, we pursue this goal in a variety of ways. Through the exploration of history and theory, we deepen our understanding of the inequities and injustices that form the basis of capitalism and drive the climate crisis. We bring this understanding into our work on legislative efforts and campaigns that advance democratic control over economic institutions that impact the environment. When possible, we collaborate with labor, environmental, racial and social justice organizations on projects driven by common goals. All over the country Native tribes and local communities are fighting for their rights to clean air, water, and soil. We recognize that their struggles and the restoration of Indigenous sovereignty over treaty lands are integral to winning a just, equitable, and sustainable future.
Taking action
In the past, our caucus has come together to support City and State taxes on corporations and the wealthy, as well as Seattle’s Solidarity Budget for 2021 (opposing any austerity measures to cut funding to housing, Green New Deal programs, etc., and in support of cutting funding to the police).
We have also opposed market ‘solutions’ to the climate crisis, like Cap and Trade, and have supported environmental groups’ opposition to dirty energy projects such as the Kalama Methanol refinery.
In December 2020, we rallied in downtown Seattle in support of the National DSA Ecosocialist D12 “Fight for our Lives” Day of Action, and, together with our Chapter-at-large, tied up the phone lines for our Senators on the following Monday in order to make our campaign and demands known.
Currently we’re working on building support for the DSA Ecosocialist Green New Deal, including principles such as public power, centering the working class in a just transition, and international solidarity.
We meet most Sundays at 6:30 pm Pacific. Come say hi!