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Socialist Night School is an open course that provides a chance to develop our politics together, regardless of background knowledge or whether you’ve attended a class before. New members and lifelong socialists, all are welcome! To sign up for our mailing list or to find out more, e-mail us at [email protected]
The next Socialist Night School will meet on Monday, May 4th at 7PM. We’ll be discussing disaster capitalism. We’ve seen it in action before, and we’re watching it happen again. Things are starting to feel a bit like a bad remake of 2008, now with special guest: global pandemic. For this session we’ll explore some of how we got here, and try to figure out how it might be possible to break free of this pattern.
There were some great questions that people asked during April’s session, so definitely share your questions during the discussion on Monday. As you’re doing the readings, think of questions you’d like to ask the group! 🙂
Naomi Klein, Coronavirus Capitalism – And How to Beat It
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