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Get Out the Vote for Shaun Scott

Maple Leaf Reservoir Park 1020 NE 82nd St, Seattle, WA, United States

Come join the Seattle DSA for our fourth general election canvass for Shaun Scott's city council campaign! Shaun is a democratic socialist running for Seattle City Council District 4, advocating for a Green New Deal for Seattle, public housing, municipal broadband, and so much more! Shaun’s also received the Seattle and national DSA’s endorsement. The ... Read more

Bernie or Bust? D3 Meeting

Cafe Solstice (Capitol Hill) 925 E Thomas St, Seattle, WA, United States

With Elizabeth Warren surging in the polls, a growing number of working people and youth are getting energized around her ideas and increasingly see her as a viable candidate to challenge Trump and Wall Street.  How should DSA relate to people who support her campaign and who are likely open to socialist ideas?  How are Warren's politics ... Read more

Canvass with the Shaun Scott Campaign

A Muddy Cup Cafe' & Roastery 266 NE 45th St, Seattle, WA, United States

From the Shaun Scott for City Council – District 4 Campaign: Hello, Shaun Scott 2019 Campaign supporters and volunteers! It's time for another Saturday canvass of our neighbors in District 4! This weekend, we will be knocking doors in Wallingford and encouraging folks to vote Scott for Seattle City Council on Tuesday, November 5th. We ... Read more

Get Out The Vote For Shaun Scott

Ravenna Triangle Park NE 54th St & Ravenna Pl NE, Seattle, WA, United States

Come join us for our third general election canvass for Shaun Scott! Shaun is a democratic socialist running for Seattle City Council District 4, advocating for a Green New Deal for Seattle, public housing, municipal broadband, and so much more! Shaun’s also received the Seattle and national DSA’s endorsement. The general election for Seattle City ... Read more

Global Walk Out for Climate

Cal Anderson Park and Bobby Morris Playfield

Call out sick! Take a vacation day! Announce you're on #ClimateStrike! Bring co-workers! Respond to the call of youth climate activists to protest government inaction on the climate emergency. Tentative meeting location for Seattle DSA comrades--just east of the north tennis court in Cal Anderson park (in or near baseball diamond). Watch for updates. 9 ... Read more

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