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Phone/text bank for Earth Day rally!

Online (Zoom Call) WA

Help phone bank for the Earth Day rally! Fight for a Green New Deal in Seattle and union jobs! More here: https://350seattle.org/green-new-deal-electrify-seattle/ Link to Earth Day rally info: https://seattledsa.org/?p=31397 RSVP here for Zoom link.    

D4/D5/Ecosocialism Reading Group

Distant Worlds Coffeehouse 6401 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA, United States

Join northeast Seattle comrades at Distant Worlds Coffeehouse, 6:30 Thursday 4/27.  We meet bi-weekly to discuss articles or books that inform our organizing--in general, or most often in relation to climate change.  This time we are taking a breath for a relaxed conversation about what we want to read next.  We have some great ideas--check ... Read more

D4/D5/Ecosocialism Reading Group

Distant Worlds Coffeehouse 6401 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA, United States

Join northeast Seattle comrades at Distant Worlds Coffeehouse, 6:30 Thursday 5/11, for a discussion of "Socialist Politics and the Electricity Grid" by Syracuse DSA's Matt Huber and Jacobin writer Fred Stafford, published in Catalyst.  The article applies Marxist thinking to what is arguably the central project for eliminating fossil fuel consumption in the U.S. in ... Read more

D4/D5/Ecosocialism Reading Group

Urban Luxe Café 6105A Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us at Urban Luxe Cafe, 6:45 Thursday 5/25, for a discussion of “Covid, Climate Change: Is the World Ready for ‘Global Public Goods’?” from New Left Review, by Sean Sweeney.  Sean Sweeney is at CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies and is one of the forces behind the global organization Trade Unionists for ... Read more

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