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District 4 Reading Group: Orientalism

Ravenna Brewing 5408 26th ave NE, Seattle, WA, United States

Join the District 4 reading group at Ravenna Brewing on September 23rd 6:30 pm to read “Orientalism” by Edward Said. We will be reading the Introduction. Here's a pdf of the Intro and Chapter 1 https://sites.evergreen.edu/politicalshakespeares/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2014/12/Said_full.pdf This event is open to DSA members and anyone curious about DSA.

District 4 Reading Group: Orientalism

Ravenna Brewing 5408 26th ave NE, Seattle, WA, United States

Join the District 4 reading group at Ravenna Brewing on October 7th 6:30 pm to read “Orientalism” by Edward Said. We will be reading the first two sections of Chapter 1 ("Knowing the Oriental" and "Imaginative Geography and Its Representations: Orientalizing the Oriental"). This event is open to DSA members and anyone curious about DSA.

District 4 Reading Group: Orientalism

Magnuson Cafe & Brewery 7801 62nd Ave NE, Seattle

Join the District 4 reading group at Magnuson Brewery on October 28th 6:30 pm to discuss “Orientalism” by Edward Said. The reading is the last two sections of Chapter 1 ("Projects" and "Crisis"). This event is open to DSA members and anyone curious about DSA.

District 4 Reading Group: Orientalism

Don Lucho's Pisco Bar 7919 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA, United States

Join the District 4 reading group at Magnuson Brewery on November 11th at 6:30 pm to discuss “Orientalism” by Edward Said. The reading is Chapter 2 "Orientalist Structures and Restructures". This event is open to DSA members and anyone curious about DSA.

Seattle Socialist educators meeting and happy hour

Chuck's Hop Shop (Central District) 2001 E Union St, Seattle, WA, United States

Meet up with other socialist teachers and educators, and discuss organizing strategy!   RSVP Here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/seattle-socialist-educators-meeting-and-happy-hour/

Note: Subscribe to calendar only shows the 100 most recent events, but they will update on your calendar at regular intervals automatically.