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Get Out The Vote for Shaun Scott

Zoka Coffee 2901 NE Blakely, Seattle, WA, United States

Come join us for our third general election canvass for Shaun Scott! Shaun is a democratic socialist running for Seattle City Council District 4, advocating for a Green New Deal for Seattle, public housing, municipal broadband, and so much more! Shaun’s also received the Seattle and national DSA’s endorsement. The general election for Seattle City ... Read more

Get Out The Vote For Shaun Scott

Ravenna Triangle Park NE 54th St & Ravenna Pl NE, Seattle, WA, United States

Come join us for our third general election canvass for Shaun Scott! Shaun is a democratic socialist running for Seattle City Council District 4, advocating for a Green New Deal for Seattle, public housing, municipal broadband, and so much more! Shaun’s also received the Seattle and national DSA’s endorsement. The general election for Seattle City ... Read more

Electoral Committee Meeting

Columbia Branch - Seattle Public Library 4721 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, United States

Join us as we continue our electoral work locally.

Global Walk Out for Climate

Cal Anderson Park and Bobby Morris Playfield

Call out sick! Take a vacation day! Announce you're on #ClimateStrike! Bring co-workers! Respond to the call of youth climate activists to protest government inaction on the climate emergency. Tentative meeting location for Seattle DSA comrades--just east of the north tennis court in Cal Anderson park (in or near baseball diamond). Watch for updates. 9 ... Read more

FourForFreedom: Benefit for WAISN (Tue-Sat til Sept 28)

Gallery IMA 123 S Jackson St, Seattle, WA, United States

Ceramic artwork is currently being exhibited by Kathleen SKeels, Carol Gouthro, Elizabeth Sandvig-Spafford, and Don Fels at Gallery IMA. Three artworks remain on sale at 100% donation to the Fair Fight Bond Fund. Visitors to the exhibit can also simply make a donation directly to the fund ---- The WASHINGTON IMMIGRANT SOLIDARITY NETWORK (WAISN) is ... Read more

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