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Workplace Organizing Collective (El Grupo para Organizar su Lugar de Trabajo)

Starbucks near Swedish 800 12th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

8,000 courageous healthcare workers are going on strike at Swedish this week to demand safe staffing levels for patients and reasonable wage increases. Instead of our regular session, the Workplace Organizing Collective will join the picket lines at Swedish First Hill alongside other DSAers and community allies. Join us to support the striking workers and ... Read more

DSA for Bernie Canvass!

Van Asselt Playground 7050 Beacon Ave S, Seattle, WA, United States

----> RSVP here! <---- Primary season is heating up! We’re now less than a month out from the Iowa caucuses, so talking to voters about Bernie and a mass movement to win reforms like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and Housing for All is more important than ever. We can win this! So ... Read more

[cancelled] Jacobin Reading Group Discussion

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

Instead of our regularly scheduled Jacobin reading group we’ll be canvassing for DSA for Bernie! Join us at the Van Asselt Playground at 10:30 and knock on doors for Bernie! More details: https://seattledsa.org/event/dsa-for-bernie-canvass-2/

Green New Deal and Ecosocialism Meeting

Capitol Hill Branch Library 425 Harvard Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

We envision a fair and effective Green New Deal to halt climate change and win environmental justice. In the short term, Seattle DSA’s Green New Deal Committee is developing a campaign to win Free Transit county-wide. Join us and the Ecosocialism Caucus, which offers a reading group every other Monday evening. Questions? Ask GreenNewDeal@seattledsa.org.

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