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Queer & Feminist Reading Group: October Song

Virtual: Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/932925026 or call (669) 900-6833, meeting ID: 932 925 026#

In addition to building movements in the streets and supporting workers in Seattle, we want to study the history of movements across the world. Let’s learn from the comrades who came before us, while building community in a supportive space! Today we'll discuss Chapter 3 of Paul LeBlanc’s October Song, an account of the Russian ... Read more

Ecosocialist Reading Group

On Zoom WA, United States

Join Seattle DSA's Ecosocialist Caucus to learn more about sustainable socialism for people and the planet. Enjoy casual, lively discussion and help to envision a better future for life on Earth. Join via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/303249945 This week, let's learn and evaluate the principles of Ecomodernism: http://www.ecomodernism.org/manifesto-english Also, we'll vote on the next book!

Queer and Feminist Reading Group: October Song

Virtual: Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/932925026 or call (669) 900-6833, meeting ID: 932 925 026#

Join us as we read Chapter 5 of Paul LeBlanc's account of the Russian Revolution, October Song. What lessons can the Russian Revolution give to us today? What actually happened before and after the working class took power? How do conditions in society dictate our strategies and tactics? How would we, in a modern context, ... Read more

Queer and Feminist Reading Group: October Song

Zoom link will be posted shortly WA, United States

Join us as we read Paul LeBlanc's account of the Russian Revolution, October Song. What lessons can the Russian Revolution give to us today? What actually happened before and after the working class took power? How do conditions in society dictate our strategies and tactics? How would we, in a modern context, wrest power from ... Read more

Critical Pedagogy Reading Group


Join the Seattle DSA Critical and Revolutionary Pedagogy Reading Group to discuss Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970.) Frieire, a Brazilian educator and philosopher was an advocate of "critical pedagogy" who believed that education cannot be divorced from politics and considered the acts of teaching and learning to be profoundly political acts. In Pedagogy of the Oppressed he offers a detailed class analysis of ... Read more

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