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Socialist Feminist Table for Bernie – location change

Amy's Merkato 5710 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA

Queer and Queen Bernie Bros unite! Join the Seattle DSA Queer & Feminist Caucus for a Democratic Socialists for Bernie table/crowd canvass in the south end. Meet at Amy's Merkato in Hillman City. We are teaming up with District 2 DSA for a joint crowd canvass!  

South Seattle/D2 Table for Bernie – location update

Amy's 5710 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA, United States

We have two months left until the primary. Democratic Socialists for Bernie is taking to the streets to get Bernie elected and building the socialist movement that we'll need to fight for Medicare for All, Free College, Cancelling Student Debt, and Green New Deal. We'll meet up at the Amy's Merkato in Hillman City and ... Read more

Green New Deal and Ecosocialism Meeting

Perihelion Brewery 2800 16th Ave S, Seattle, WA, United States

We envision a fair and effective Green New Deal to halt climate change and win environmental justice. In the short term, Seattle DSA’s Green New Deal Committee is developing a campaign to win Free Transit county-wide and supporting the re-appropriation of the east King County electric grid. Join us and the Ecosocialism Caucus, which offers ... Read more

Seattle DSA for Bernie Phonebank

RSVP for details Seattle, WA, United States

Every week until the March 10, 2020 WA Democratic Primary, Seattle DSA for Bernie is contacting voters in both Seattle and early voting states to encourage them to get on board the Bernie train. Join us on January 21st for a phone bank in Capitol Hill! Snacks + beverages will be provided. Please bring a ... Read more

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