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POSTPONED: D2 Monthly Meeting

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

There is a meeting of Seattle DSA’s Local Council that was not on our radar, and some people we’d invited to speak at our D2 meeting won’t available on August 20. We have decided to postpone our meeting and will hold it next Thursday 8/27 6-8 pm. A new calendar entry has been posted with ... Read more

DSA Coordination Committee Meeting

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

Co-chairs of Working Groups and District Groups as well as Local Council members are invited to the monthly meeting of the Coordination Committee to implement the chapter's agreed priority of defunding and divesting the Seattle Police Department.

Queer & Feminist Caucus: Postal Workers’ Strike of 1970

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

Join the Queer and Feminist Caucus for our every-three-weeks Labor & Revolutionary History Happy Hour, featuring working class struggles led by women and queer people throughout history. This week we're taking a quick detour from our timeline (don't worry, we'll be back in the 1830s after this!) with a discussion on the Postal Workers' strike ... Read more

Court Support Training

On Zoom WA, United States

Training to support immigrants when they go to court for bond hearings. This training will be provided by members of both Seattle's and Tacoma's DSA chapters. The training will be similar to WAISN's (Washington Immigration Support Network) Bond Hearing Support training, and will be set in a socialist/labor framework, and include content on working with ... Read more

Ecosocialist Reading Group Returns

On Zoom WA, United States

Please join us for the Ecosocialist reading group! We’ll be discussing the following short pieces on the topic of ecosocialism, and taking suggestions for our next reading. http://www.cnsjournal.org/about/an-ecosocialist-manifesto/ https://climateandcapitalism.com/2018/07/22/the-belem-ecosocialist-declaration-an-historic-document/  https://greattransition.org/publication/why-ecosocialism-red-green-future Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88041874573?pwd=Vjc4b3hVTnlyQ3Y0OVMxMVFNMVdPQT09 Meeting ID: 880 4187 4573 Passcode: 441268 Join by phone 253-215-8782

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