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Afrosocialists & Socialists of Color Caucus meeting

Online Seattle, WA, United States

DSA's caucus of Afrosocialists and Socialists of Color (AFROSOC) brings Black, indigenous and people of color socialists together to educate ourselves and organize our campaigns. We are doing the work of cultivating coalitions as communities of color to help build antiracist multiracial working-class base -- the only viable strategy for securing a socialist future. Through ... Read more

What can we expect from the Biden Administration – friend or foe? Next District 3 Meeting

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

Join District 3 DSA members to discuss... Before Biden took office many on the left said that Biden was a corporate Democrat that would champion a neoliberal agenda.  However, in his first 3 days in office Biden has signed a raft of progressive executive orders cancelng the Keystone XL Pipeline, strengthening DACA, ending the Muslim ... Read more

DSA Tech Worker Labor Organizing and Education Meeting

Online (Zoom Call) WA

Are you a tech worker interested in meeting with other tech workers to discuss workplace organizing and education? Join us to help Seattle DSA become a force for building a more powerful working class. Register for the event here to get a link to the video chat: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlf-msqz4pHdHmv8pkEWLRTIslH7iB4LSV

UNITE HERE Rally to Demand Extended and Increased Unemployment Benefits

Amazon Spheres 2101 7th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

A Tale of Two Pandemics: Millions Will Starve / Billionaires Make Another Trillion   In 2020, billionaires gained $1 trillion—while millions of working people lost jobs and are barely surviving.    Join UNITE HERE Local 8 and Restaurant Workers United on Saturday, January 30th to demand extended unemployment benefits, increased unemployment benefits, and extending the ... Read more

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