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Eastside Branch Meeting

Victor's Celtic Coffee 7993 Gilman St Redmond, WA 98052 7993 Gilman St, Redmond, WA, United States

Details: https://www.meetup.com/Democratic-Socialists-of-America-Eastside-Meetup/events/243206325/

Labor Committee Meeting

Location: Member's apartment in Capitol Hill. Email: julian@seattledsa.org for details.

Socialist Feminist Book Club – The Problem w/ Work

On Monday, September 25th at 6pm the Socialist Feminist Committee will be hosting our first Kathi Weeks "The Problem With Work: feminism, Marxism, anti-work politics and post work imaginaries" reading group in the U district. Read the intro and first chapter, through pg. 77 (book free online: https://libcom.org/files/the-problem-with-work_-feminism-marxism-kathi-weeks.pdf) Email socialistanya@gmail.com for the meeting address.

Note: Subscribe to calendar only shows the 100 most recent events, but they will update on your calendar at regular intervals automatically.