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Pre-Convention Discussion #3 – Labor & Internationalism

Beacon Hill Branch - Seattle Public Library 2821 Beacon Ave S, Seattle, WA, United States

This is the third in a series of three member-to-member discussions we've organized over the month of July in preparation for the DSA National Convention. The convention will be taking place August 4-6 in Chicago. Our chapter is sending 24 delegates and 2 alternate delegates to the convention, where they will meet comrades from around ... Read more

Socialist Tech Workers Social

Chuck's Hop Shop (Central District) 2001 E Union St, Seattle, WA, United States

Come meet like-minded workers in tech at the Socialist Tech Workers Social! We will discuss workplace organization and mutual aid, in a time where layoffs are affecting a lot of us, and “voting with your feet” might no longer be a viable option. Invite your friends and coworkers! RSVP here.

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