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Seattle DSA Union Council

All Pilgrims, 509 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98102 509 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

The goal of this group is to coordinate activities between different unions and with DSA and also to teach DSA union members how to be effective member leaders within their unions Located In the Colonial Room

Socialism 201: How to talk about democratic socialism

This workshop is only open to dues-paying members of Seattle DSA No matter how secure you are in your knowledge that democratic socialism is fair, just, and achievable, the arguments aren’t always easy to articulate when you’re put on the spot. In this workshop, you will: 1. Hear some common questions and objections to socialism ... Read more

Organizing Rally for Jon Grant

University Heights Center 5031 University Way NE, Seattle, WA, United States

Thanks to all of our volunteers and supporters, we're through the primary! We've got a tough fight ahead of us in the general election, but we can win it - only if we have your help. We don't have millions of dollars or institutional backing from powerful players - we have you!! Come to our ... Read more

By-laws discussion call

We'll be hosting another conference call September 5th at 6:30 PM. We'll be discussing the proposal with any fellow members who would like to participate.

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