Intro to Democratic Socialism ?
Queen Anne Branch Library, 400 W Garfield St, Seattle, WA, United StatesCome discuss and learn about democratic socialism, 6pm on March 27 at the Queen Anne Branch Library.
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Come discuss and learn about democratic socialism, 6pm on March 27 at the Queen Anne Branch Library.
Join the Housing Justice subcommittee to discuss SDSA's efforts to end houselessness, organize renters, and agitate for the construction of affordable public housing. The event will be held in room 203 of the Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science and Engineering on the UW campus. The building is fully wheelchair accessible, and a short ... Read more
Join Seattle DSA and UW YDSA for a panel discussion on the real-life impacts of single-payer healthcare. How would care that's comprehensive, universal, and free look from the ground? Come find out!
Join Social Equity Educators, Oklahoma Teachers United, and Arizona Teachers United in solidarity with teachers’ and educators’ struggle across the country, Saturday March 31 at 4pm at the Labor Temple.
Capitalism is at the root of the most pressing ecological crises facing the world. From climate change to the destruction of oceans and forests, the reckless pursuit of profits has placed the future of the planet and its most vulnerable inhabitants is at risk. Join the Ecosocialist Caucus to discuss environmental justice, ecosocialism, and strategy ... Read more
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