Post Prop 1A Mega Canvas-Social
Elysian Brewing Cap Hill 1221 East Pike Street, Seattle, United StatesCome out and enjoy a beer on DSA after the Prop 1A mega-canvas for social housing. RSVP Here
🌹 = Great for first-timers! Calendar Editors add “New Member Friendly” category to an event. Printable Events List (2 per sheet).
Come out and enjoy a beer on DSA after the Prop 1A mega-canvas for social housing. RSVP Here
Contact JJ Bartlett to sign up: 360-319-2009 Masks required in-kitchen! Must be vaccinated! Scrambled Eggs, Pancakes, and Hashbrowns! Donuts, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, and Water! Come to cook, eat breakfast, and get to know your unhoused neighbors here in the UDistrict!  Sundays at University Heights Community Center. Cooking (off-site) = 8:00am – 9:30am. Serving (UHeights ... Read more
Join your fellow social housing supporters as we talk to voters about Proposition 1A at the doors! Door knocking is a great way to reach voters about an issue, and you will be knocking doors alongside folks who have talked to hundreds - some even thousands - of voters. Door knocking will usually last for ... Read more
Have you ever Wanted more rights at work? Wanted to fight back against the corporate class? Been thinking "I need a union," but don't know how to make it happen? This workshop will teach you what you need to get started at your workplace! This is intended for people at currently non-union workplaces who want ... Read more
Come play soccer with fellow socialists! This is a fun, enjoyable way to get outdoors, exercise, and meet friendly socialists as well as non-socialist soccer enthusiasts! All genders and skill levels are welcome! Safety is our top priority. To participate you must abide by our norms and agreements to avoid injuries and help us take ... Read more
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