🌹 = Great for first-timers! Calendar Editors add “New Member Friendly” category to an event. Printable Events List (2 per sheet).

Member Engagement Committee Meeting

Seattle DSA's Member Engagement Committee works to grow our chapter and help onboard new members by running our seasonal onboarding cohorts for new members, hosting socials, and keeping our one-on-one meeting system and Job Board up-to-date. Join us to grow our chapter community and give members the tools to become effective socialist organizers.

Peoples’ Breakfast: U District

University Heights 5031 University Way, Seattle, WA, United States

Contact JJ Bartlett to sign up: 360-319-2009 Masks required in-kitchen! Must be vaccinated! Scrambled Eggs, Pancakes, and Hashbrowns! Donuts, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, and Water! Come to cook, eat breakfast, and get to know your unhoused neighbors here in the UDistrict!   Sundays at University Heights Community Center. Cooking (off-site) = 8:00am – 9:30am. Serving (UHeights ... Read more

Boycott War Profiteers Tabling at Central District PCC

Central Disctrict PCC 2230 E Union St, Seattle, WA, United States

RSVP here! Join Seattle DSA's Boycott War Profiteers Campaign to make our communities apartheid free! You can help by joining our table outside the Central District PCC. There, we will engage PCC workers and consumers to build momentum for our push to divest PCC of Israeli goods and protect the rights of PCC workers to ... Read more

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