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Afrosocialists & Socialists of Color Caucus meeting

Online Seattle, WA, United States

DSA's caucus of Afrosocialists and Socialists of Color (AFROSOC) brings Black, indigenous and people of color socialists together to educate ourselves and organize our campaigns. We are doing the work of cultivating coalitions as communities of color to help build antiracist multiracial working-class base -- the only viable strategy for securing a socialist future. Through ... Read more

Tenant Organizing Collective & Cancel Rent WA – Online Meeting

Online (Zoom Call) WA

This week's Tenant Organizing Collective will be in conjunction with the Cancel Rent WA campaign, which is holding its first meeting. We'll use this time to join group discussions around the campaign's and our collective statewide strategy. Register for the Zoom meeting here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkc-2oqTMpHdESroz39SlutikBdNtanmfF

District 4 Reading Group: Defund the Police

Online (Zoom Call) WA

Join District 4 SDSA to discuss the first two chapters of "The End of Policing" by Alex Vitale that are called: The Limits of Police Reform and The Police Are Not Here to Protect You. They should provide a lot of solid evidence for why we should defund the Police. There's a sale on the ... Read more

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