
The latest on local issues, education on class struggle, chapter news, and actions.

City Upzones The Seattle City Council up-zoned dozens of neighborhoods around mass transit hubs. Upzones provoke a lot of internal debate on the left because upzones, free of mitigating policy, … Read more

Sound Transit CEO to privatize routes, bring in scabs Privatization leads to worse service and outcomes. This week Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff suggested privatizing a bus route and replacing … Read more

Northwest Detention Center Resistance celebrates five years of fighting for immigrant rights This past Sunday in Tacoma, Northwest Detention Center Resistance celebrated their 5th anniversary of fighting for and as … Read more

Washington teachers fought high stakes testing. Last Friday, they won. High stakes testing and “No Child Left Behind” privatization ravaged public education under Bush, Obama, and Trump. These tests have … Read more

UW right-wing vandalizes monument to those who fought fascism in Spain (and many who died in the Holocaust) Fascists recognize how popular socialist policies are. It frightens them. Reactionaries at … Read more

Democrats, Republicans Giving Trump Billions Emergency or Not People are pretending that sarcastic claps at the State of the Union signal resistance to Trump’s agenda, but Democrats in Congress are … Read more