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Ecosocialism Reading/Discussion Group

Virtual WA, United States

The Ecosocialism reading group will be meeting on Sunday, 11/1 at 1:30pm for a discussion of chapters six and seven of Timothy Mitchell’s Carbon Democracy. A pdf can be found here, and the paperback is available from Verso for $12. Feel free to join us whether or not you’re able to get through the reading! Zoom info: ... Read more

Green New Deal and Ecosocialism Meeting

Virtual WA, United States

Join us to pursue a fair and effective Green New Deal to halt climate change and win environmental justice. We explore ecosocialist theory, organize with climate groups, and are developing a campaign for fare-free transit. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85803903635?pwd=QXNuZzNBR3ovWnpKaDBMcjdFbzJjdz09 OR by phone 253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 850 6149 0366 Passcode: 221998

Ecosocialism Reading/Discussion Group

Virtual WA, United States

The Ecosocialism reading group will be meeting on Sunday, 11/15 at 1:30pm for our postponed discussion of chapters six and seven of Timothy Mitchell’s Carbon Democracy. A pdf can be found here, and the paperback is available from Verso for $12. Feel free to join us whether or not you’re able to get through the reading! Zoom info: ... Read more

Green New Deal and Ecosocialism Meeting

Virtual WA, United States

Join us to pursue a fair and effective Green New Deal to halt climate change and win environmental justice. We explore ecosocialist theory, organize with climate groups, and are developing a campaign for fare-free transit. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85803903635?pwd=QXNuZzNBR3ovWnpKaDBMcjdFbzJjdz09 OR by phone 253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 850 6149 0366 Passcode: 221998

Ecosocialism Reading/Discussion-Note Revised Time

Virtual WA, United States

Join the Ecosocialism Reading Group Sunday 11/29 at 3:00 for our final discussion of Carbon Democracy. We’ll be covering the final chapter and conclusion. A pdf can be found here. Please feel free to come whether or not you have a chance to get through the reading! Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86520683532?pwd=S1dXRnE2cW1OeEx5L2Z0RWNvNVBLUT09 Meeting ID: 865 2068 3532 Passcode: 481765 Dial in ... Read more

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