Seattle Delegate Elections for 2023 Convention

The national DSA 2023 Convention is just around the corner in August! This page compiles a timeline and delegate information to best help inform voters’ decision making and keep them up to date with what’s at stake during our organization’s national convention.


April 26th, 10:00am

  • Delegate forms open

May 6th, 11:59pm

  • Delegate forms close

May 24th, 10:00am

  • Member questions for Local Council candidates due

June 1st, 11:59pm

  • Delegate elections close

June 2nd

  • Registration begins

July 13th

  • Registration closes

August 3rd

  • Delegates arrive for National Convention

August 4th – 6th

  • National Convention! Refer to the convention website to see what delegates will deliberate.
Candidate statements will be emailed out shortly and have also been posted in the chapter Slack.