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Global Walk Out for Climate

Cal Anderson Park and Bobby Morris Playfield

Call out sick! Take a vacation day! Announce you're on #ClimateStrike! Bring co-workers! Respond to the call of youth climate activists to protest government inaction on the climate emergency. Tentative meeting location for Seattle DSA comrades--just east of the north tennis court in Cal Anderson park (in or near baseball diamond). Watch for updates. 9 ... Read more

March on Amazon! Tax Big Biz to Build Affordable Housing!

Cal Anderson Park and Bobby Morris Playfield

RALLY at Cal Anderson Park at 11am followed by a MARCH to Amazon's HQ in South Lake Union to PROTEST their corporate extortion of our city! Amazon, one of the most powerful corporations in the world, threatened to halt construction of a skyscraper if our movement succeeds in forcing the Mayor and City Council to ... Read more

Day of Action – Jon Grant Campaign

Cal Anderson Park and Bobby Morris Playfield

You may know we’ve recently endorsed DSA member Jon Grant for Seattle City Council. As part of this effort, we are having another DSA Day of Action this Sunday, July 30th!

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