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Seattle DSA Libertarian Socialist Caucus Meeting

Victrola Coffee & Art 411 15th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

The Libertarian Socialists within King County and Seattle DSA is holding an open meeting! Open discussion starts at 7pm, meeting starts at 7:30 until Victrola gently kicks us out. We will be meeting in the conference room. The local Libertarian Socialist Caucus members value a flexible, big-tent organizing venue for local lefties (and the left-curious) ... Read more

Anti-Imperialist Reading Group

Victrola Coffee & Art 411 15th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us for the first in a series of anti-war caucus reading groups. For our inaugural meeting we will examine a foundational question: what exactly is imperialism? The old, ostensibly simple query continues to provoke heated debates in an era marked by forever wars in the Middle East and Central Asia, coups in Latin America, ... Read more

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