🌹 = Great for first-timers! Calendar Editors add “New Member Friendly” category to an event. Printable Events List (2 per sheet).

Ecosocialism and Green New Deal Working Group

Virtual WA, United States

Join the third meeting of the revived Ecosocialism and GND Working Group. Ecosocialism promotes democratic control over all institutions that impact life and the environment. A Green New Deal (GND) distills actions necessary to address the climate crisis through a rapid and just transformation of these institutions. We'll continue to refine our ideas for future ... Read more

Ecosocialism/GND Working Group Revival Meeting Two

Virtual WA, United States

Let's continue the revival of the Ecosocialism and Green New Deal Working Group with a zoom meeting.  Especially if you missed the first revival meeting, join us to review the working group charter for re-submission, review the first meeting's content, and plot a course forward. Zoom link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89064195574?pwd=qI7Oq5W1guWXgb94iAWPYNedjuADot.1

DSA National Green New Deal Campaign Call

Virtual WA, United States

Join this event to learn more about renewed nationally coordinated campaigns to build relationships with labor and a working-class base, and to boost global efforts against capitalism-driven climate change. REGISTER HERE. Four areas of emphasis will be: Energy -- mandate publicly owned, clean energy generation, storage & transmission Homes -- organize with the building trades ... Read more

Online New Member Orientation

Virtual WA, United States

Come to learn about what Democratic Socialism is all about, what we can learn about capitalism and socialism from the current uprisings and the pandemic, and how YOU can get involved with Seattle DSA’s efforts to engage in mutual aid and building power for a socialist future in which people come before profits. You don’t ... Read more

Event Series Ecosocialism Discussion Meeting

Ecosocialism Discussion Meeting

Virtual WA, United States

Join us to discuss articles, books, and current events. Expanding our understanding of ecosocialist theory helps us develop effective strategies for bringing about transformative changes. Questions? Email [email protected] Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85275481242?pwd=cEhqaUZncW42YmN2YzBkYi9nVVBndz09 Join by phone: 253 215 8782 Meeting ID: 852 7548 1242 Passcode: 038419

Note: Subscribe to calendar only shows the 100 most recent events, but they will update on your calendar at regular intervals automatically.