🌹 = Great for first-timers! Calendar Editors add “New Member Friendly” category to an event. Printable Events List (2 per sheet).
Short URL: https://seattledsa.org/?p=12430
Call out sick! Take a vacation day! Announce you’re on #ClimateStrike! Bring co-workers!
Respond to the call of youth climate activists to protest government inaction on the climate emergency. Tentative meeting location for Seattle DSA comrades–just east of the north tennis court in Cal Anderson park (in or near baseball diamond). Watch for updates. 9 AM tabling, 12 noon march to City Hall, 1-3 rally at City Hall.
Business as usual means food system collapse, fresh water shortages, desolation of massive amounts of land. Event updates at facebook.com/events/724142398026618/
Note: Subscribe to calendar only shows the 100 most recent events, but they will update on your calendar at regular intervals automatically.