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Short URL: https://seattledsa.org/?p=15438
This past week three Democrats on the Seattle City Council shelved the bill our coalition has been fighting for to tax Amazon and the 800 richest corporations in Seattle to provide immediate Covid economic relief to the 100,000 people in Seattle most in need. It would also fund the construction of union-built, green, social housing and environmental retrofitting of homes starting next year.
It’s clear, if we want to tax big business we’re going to need to take this to the ballot.
Join District 3 members to discuss what the Tax Amazon / Green New Homes Campaign is, how we can build a movement to tax big business, what’s the role of the Democratic Party in the fight over taxing Amazon and wider reforms, and what can we do in District 3 to win an Amazon Tax for Covid Relief & Green New Homes?
Meeting ID: 878 9985 9618
+12532158782 (Tacoma)
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