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Short URL: https://seattledsa.org/?p=15471
Socialist Night School is an open course that provides a chance to develop our politics together, regardless of background knowledge or whether you’ve attended a class before. New members and lifelong socialists, all are welcome! To sign up for our mailing list or to find out more, e-mail us at [email protected]
This session will be the first of a 2 part series on The Dirty Break (chapter 4 from Bigger Than Bernie). For Part 1 we will focus on the democratic road to socialism, and some of the potholes and roadblocks along the way: the undemocratic nature of the Democratic Party, the strange nature of political parties in the United States, and some of the barriers to forming an independent party.
As you’re doing the reading, write down questions that come to mind – and consider sharing those with us during the discussion on the 25th. 🙂
Required Reading
Chapter 4: The Dirty Break from Bigger Than Bernie, pages 1 – 19 (PDF) or pages 99 – 121 (in the book)
Meeting Info
Monday, May 25th
7 PM – 8:30 PM
RSVP for link to join via Zoom
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