🌹 = Great for first-timers! Calendar Editors add “New Member Friendly” category to an event. Printable Events List (2 per sheet).
Short URL: https://seattledsa.org/?p=20443
Our next District 2 Group meeting is going to be an informal discussion about Biden’s first 100 days. Policies, wins, shortcomings, perceptions, we want to discuss it all! We want this to be a very casual discussion-based meeting/happy hour, so there will be no reserved speaker roles. We will still hold space for D2 actions/updates and announcements at the end. Hope to see you there and feel free to brink a drink!
Thursday, April 22, 6pm
Web: https://zoom.us/j/93487676902?pwd=d1MrL3BoSUlSVjFvbFpkeHRlTzZLZz09
Dial: +1 253 215 8782, Meeting ID: 934 8767 6902, Passcode: 9653
Note: Subscribe to calendar only shows the 100 most recent events, but they will update on your calendar at regular intervals automatically.