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Short URL: https://seattledsa.org/?p=20136
Sundar Sharma, SDSA housing Justice Policy Committee and coconvener in D2
Jacob Roth, Puget Sound Tenants Union
After SDSA was involved in pushing tenants’ rights forward in Olympia, the focus is now on Seattle and King County: How can we make sure all tenants have stable living conditions during and after the pandemic, how can we end gentrification, and how can we win strong tenant protections, including a Just Cause law through the King County Council? We will hear about the “Stay Housed — Stay Healthy” campaign that a coalition of organizations in Seattle is moving forward.
Beyond just reacting to the situation that tenants face, we also want to discuss how to fundamentally change the situation. Housing is a human right. However, under capitalism housing is first and foremost real estate — a commodity. How can we connect the struggles against gentrification and for tenants’ rights to the necessary socialist change we are fighting for?
We will hear reports about the recent activities of the Housing Justice Policy Committee of Seattle DSA and what their next plans are.
Web: https://zoom.us/j/93487676902?pwd=d1MrL3BoSUlSVjFvbFpkeHRlTzZLZz09
Dial: +1 253 215 8782, Meeting ID: 934 8767 6902, Passcode: 9653
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