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Short URL: https://seattledsa.org/?p=8775
Presented by Third Place Books
Join three activist/authors for a probing discussion of the 1960’s upsurge against war and racism, the successes and failures of radical activism in the 1970s and 1980s – and what lessons can be drawn for today’s era of Donald Trump. Featuring:
Max Elbaum, author of Revolution in the Air: Sixties Radicals Turn to Lenin Mao and Che, re-released as part of Verso Books’ “1968 Series” with a new foreword by #BlackLivesMatter co-founder Alicia Garza. “An incisive and critical history of the Other New Left” – the radicals who brought class struggle and Third World liberation to the forefront, looked to the world for allies, and tried their best to work through the dynamics of race and class.” – Robin D.G. Kelley, author of Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination.
Cindy Domingo, co-editor of A Time to Rise: Collective Memoirs of the Union of Democratic Filipinos (KDP).
Michael Withey, author of Summary Execution: The Seattle Assassinations of Silme Domingo and Gene Viernes
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