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D4-D5-Ecosocialism Reading Group

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

A new political education series to sharpen our thinking and communication skills in our organizing for democratic socialism.  Many areas of practice will be addressed and tied into the struggle to create an Ecosocialist society. Everyone is welcome to join via Zoom for now; we will meet in D4 or D5 when we can again ... Read more

Mobilization Reading Group

On Zoom WA, United States

The summer of 2020 was a time of tumultuous activity. What long-term political effects did it have on Seattle? What can socialists learn from it? Join us to reflect on Phil A. Neel's The Spiral, an epilogue to the French Edition of Hinterland: America's New Landscape of Class and Conflict and what it might suggest ... Read more

D4-D5-Ecosocialism Reading Group

Online Seattle, WA, United States

A new political education series to sharpen our thinking and communication skills in our organizing for democratic socialism, meeting every two weeks.  Readings for this meeting are short, one theoretical, Michael Löwy's “Why Ecosocialism: For a Red-Green Future”  and one practical,  https://www.electgallardo.com/platform/climate-action .  Zoom link is https://washington.zoom.us/j/97214815559.  Hope to see you there. Also join the ... Read more

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