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Protest outside Councilmember Andrew Lewis’ residence!

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

Today a majority of the Democrats on the City Council will likely vote NOT to override Mayor Durkan’s veto of the SPD budget cuts. This would be a massive, racist betrayal of their previous pledge to defund SPD by 50%! The city council needs to hear from us, loud and clear: Stand with the Black ... Read more

Sherae for State Seattle DSA Volunteer Training, Meet and Greet (online)

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

Last week, Seattle DSA voted to endorse WA State Rep. candidate Sherae Lascelles (they/them)! They are running against Frank Chopp on a platform of taxing the *hell* out of the rich, putting people over profit, equity and accessibility, mutual aid and community-care. If you're a DSA member interested in getting involved in the Sherae for ... Read more

Local Council Online Meeting

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

The Local Council is the leadership body of Seattle DSA elected every year at our annual convention. This meeting is open only to Seattle DSA members in good standing. For location information and agenda, check Slack or email [email protected].

Seattle DSA D2 September Meeting & Public Strategy Session

On Zoom WA, United States

As Seattle City Council gets ready to pass the budget for 2021, we want to make sure Council honors its pledge in support of Black lives by defunding the Seattle Police Department. Join us at this public strategy session to discuss what organizers in District 2 can do to make sure council member Tammy Morales ... Read more

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