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Renters Rising! From Tax Amazon to Rent Suspension Next District 5 Mtg

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

“People are making a choice between rent and food, and that’s not a choice they should have to make,” Across Seattle and beyond, working people are facing this grim choice as they are being forced to bear the brunt of the economic calamity unleashed by the Covid-19 response. Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos’ wealth increased by $15 ... Read more

Tax Amazon for Green New Homes Committee Emergency Meeting

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

Since January, the Tax Amazon coalition has been fighting for Seattle to pass a tax on the 800 richest corporations to provide immediate financial aid to the 100,000 Seattleites most in need and to fund the construction of union-built green housing and home retrofitting. On Thursday though, three Democrat Seattle City Councilmembers shelved the bill ... Read more

Queer and Feminist Labor Happy Hour: The Pawtucket Mill Strike of 1824

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

Looking for community and inspiration during COVID-19? Join the Queer & Feminist caucus for our Zoom happy hours and discussions on labor history. We want to explore the rich history of women and queer folks in the US labor movement together!  RSVP here and we’ll send you the link!  This week we’ll learn about the ... Read more

Green New Deal and Ecosocialism Meeting

Eightball Cafe in Everett 2727 Colby Ave, Everett, WA, United States

Join us to pursue a fair and effective Green New Deal to halt climate change and win environmental justice. We explore ecosocialist theory, organize with climate groups, and are developing a campaign for fare-free transit. Zoom info below. Email [email protected] for password or see Green New Deal channel in slack. Time: May 10, 2020 03:30 ... Read more

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