🌹 = Great for first-timers! Calendar Editors add “New Member Friendly” category to an event. Printable Events List (2 per sheet).

Socialist Night School: 1999 Seattle WTO Protests

Seattle Central College, Broadway-Edison Building 1701 Broadway, Seattle, WA, United States

Socialist Night School is an open course that provides a chance to develop our politics together, regardless of background knowledge or if you’ve attended a class before. New members and ... Read more

Seattle DSA For Bernie Phonebank

RSVP for details Seattle, WA, United States

The DSA for Bernie campaign is launching a nationwide phone bank of early voter states from December 16th - 31st. We'll be kicking things off on Monday the 16th with ... Read more

D4 Debate Watch Party

Floating Bridge Brewery (back space reserved) 722 NE 45th Street, Seattle, WA, United States

D4 hosts meet-ups every third Thursday of the month. This month’s event coincides with the December Democratic Debate, now scheduled to start at 5!   Come when you can and ... Read more

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